Somatic Effects

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Somatic Effects are an effects suffered by the individual exposed. Primary consequence is cancer.  Somatic effect is divided into types one is Deterministic Effect and Stochastic Effect.

Cancer Induction:

Some of the population studied and their associated cancers are:

Lung cancer - uranium miners
Bone cancer - radium dial painters
Thyroid cancer - therapy patients
Breast cancer - therapy patients
Skin cancer - radiologists
Leukemia - bomb survivors, in-utero exposures, radiologists, therapy patients

Genetic Effects:

Genetic effects are due to modification in germ cells (sperm or ovum).  Not sure that this effect will occur immediately it may after a few generations, Study taken in atomic bomb survivors in japan reveals this effect significantly. Till now 500 genetic effects has been found in the world.

As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle is imposed to reduce the stochastic effects and permanently avoid the deterministic effects.


1. What is the threshold dose for the stochastic effects?

A) 0.5 Gy
B) 1.0 Gy
C) No dose is recommended
D) All


C) No dose is recommended.


1. Radiobiology for Radiologist by E.J. Hall 6th Edition

2. Lecture Notes from BARC, Mumbai, India.






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Home > Radiation Protection and Quality Assurance >Radiation Physics and Biology > Biological Effects of Radiation > Somatic Effects