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Radiosensitizer or radio-enhancer is a drug that makes cancer cells more vulnerable to radiation therapy. It enhances the effectiveness of radiation therapy by maximizing tumor cell killing while minimizing irradiating the normal tissues.
Factors to consider when choosing a radiosensitizer
Example of Radio sensitizing agents
Port film is an X-ray taken at the beginning of a radiation treatment and once a week during the treatment to ensure proper radiation positioning or proper alignment of the patient with the machine. Proper positioning maximizes tumor killing while minimizing the dose distribution to the normal tissues. Port films keep track of any changes in shape, size and location of the tumor. This is because during the treatment the tumor shrinks, reducing in size and changing in shape.
Limitations of port film
Radiographic film
Radiographic film is a thin, transparent, blue-tinted base coated on both sides with radiation-sensitive emulsions of silver bromide or silver chloride, silver halide and silver iodide crystals that are suspended in a gelatinous component. The process of producing images on an opaque object on photography film by means of radiation is called Radiographic film processing.
When gamma rays, x-rays or light strike the crystals in the emulsion, some of the Br- ions are liberated and captured by the Ag+ ions. The resultant image on the radiograph will not be so clear hence referred as a “latent (hidden) image”. This is because the change in the grains is too small to be detectable by the ordinary physical methods but the exposed grains are now more sensitive to reduction process when exposed to the developer. The process results in the formation of black, metallic silver and which forms an image.
Factors to consider when choosing a film and developing a radiographic technique:
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