Console Controls

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Console controls is the place from which, we control the movements of the machines, while delivering the radiation to the patients etc. console control will be different for different machines(Telecobalt, linac and HDR etc.)

Accessories required for console control:

In general to treat the patient in the console control should have control station from which we can set the treatment time, interrupt, terminate and some basic options would be there. 

In Telecobalt based console control:

 1. Control station in which time setter, beam on, off, and transit position indicator will be there.

 2. Activating key for the machine will be required for all types of machines.

 3. Emergency stop button should be present.

 4. During the treatment with the help of CCTV patient position should be watched continuously. 

 5. Audio communication system should be present.

 6. T-Rod should be present near to entrance door of the room

 7. Console control door should be interlocked with the machine for safety purposes.

 8. Record and verify systems should be present(optional)

 9. Outside the treatment room that’s near to the console control door the green and red light should be present. This is indicating to the Radiation therapist about the status inside. 

In Linear Accelerator based console control:

 1. Linac console controls will be different then telecobalt, in this everything is computerized. The work for the technologist is to enter the correct data and treat the patient.

 2. The patient should be monitored during the treatment; this is the work of radiation therapist.

 3. Emergency stop button should be present.

 4. Record and verify systems should be present.

 5. Audio and visual communication should be present.

 6. In linac Green, Red, and Blue lights should be present.  Blue will indicate the machine is in the operation mode, green will indicate that, there is no treatment going on, Red light will indicate that, radiation is on inside or treatment is going on.

 7. Console control door should be interlocked with treatment room for safety purposes.

 8. Inside the console control other than radiation workers should not present for safety purposes. Especially children’s, women, and old age peoples.

In High Dose Rate based Console control:

 1. Almost all the features said in the above two will also present in that also.


 1. Inside the console control who are allowed to work

 a) Radiation Workers

 b) General Public

 c) Non Radiation Workers 

 d) All


a) Radiation Workers.

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